FPA Canada Welcomes Forest Ministers’ Carbon Action Plan

The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) this past week welcomed the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers’ (CCFM) new Innovation Action Plan, calling it an "important step" towards a low-carbon economy.

Following an all-day meeting in Dawson City, Yukon, on the future of Canada’s forests and forest products sector, the CCFM announced a renewed commitment to enhance "innovation and industry transformation," including the Action Plan that outlines how Canadian jurisdictions will better work together on innovation and bio-economy initiatives.

Under the three pillars of collaboration, engagement, and mobilization, the CCFM’s Innovation Action Plan outlines how jurisdictions will now work together to help the forest sector achieve its potential in areas such as bio-products and building with competitive wood products that promote sustainability.

"This Action Plan recognizes the shared opportunity before us to continue to transform Canada’s forest sector into an even bigger economic driver," said Derek Nighbor, FPAC’s CEO. "Our industry is at the forefront of addressing climate change and is doing so by sustainably managing our forests,creating new and innovative products, and providing thousands of good-paying jobs right across Canada. We welcome this important government partnership."

The CCFM, which includes cabinet ministers from across the country who are responsible for forests, also committed at this time to various actions on climate change, environmental reputation, and indigenous participation in the forest sector, all of which are important issues to the FPAC member companies.

The CCFM also reiterated its intention to again partner with FPAC to deliver two Skills Awards for Aboriginal Youth. The awards, which are each worth $2,500 and have been handed out since 2012, encourage aboriginal workers to consider careers in the forest sector.
