Toolkit Offers Resources for Foodservice Packaging Recovery

According to a report Tuesday by Packaging World, Chicago, Ill., USA, the Foodservice Packaging Institute (FPI), Falls Church, Va., USA, introduced a free toolkit this week that offers step-by-step guidance for implementing an in-store recycling and/or composting program.

The newly launched Foodservice Packaging Recovery Toolkit, from the Foodservice Packaging Institute, provides free resources for recovering foodservice packaging, thanks to a multi-year effort with input from many stakeholders.

"Recovering cups, containers, boxes, bags, and other foodservice packaging is a topic of intense interest not only for consumers but also for the foodservice packaging supply chain and those in the recycling and composting industries," said Lynn M. Dyer, president of FPI. "We’ve created this toolkit to respond to the questions and needs of many different stakeholders involved in the recovery process."

The toolkit, partially developed by FPI’s Paper Recovery Alliance, is separated into different sections based on target audiences. For communities, material recovery facilities, and end markets, the toolkit highlights studies done by the Alliance, maps out potential end markets for recycled material, and shares case studies of successful foodservice packaging recovery.

With help from the National Restaurant Association, a section was incorporated for foodservice operators that offers step-by-step guidance for implementing an in-store recycling and/or composting program. Resources include free downloadable and customizable forms and templates, educational videos, and a first-of-its-kind map highlighting recycling and composting policies that may impact foodservice operators in the U.S. and Canada.