ASPI Excellence in Leadership Award Recognizes IP’s Don Forst

Don Forst, director-Global Sourcing, International Paper, Memphis, Tenn., USA, has been selected to receive ASPI’s (Association of Suppliers to the Paper Industry) 2016 Excellence in Leadership Award. Forst will accept his award at the ASPI 2016 Spring Meeting, Feb. 24-26, 2016 in Miami, Fla.

Established in 2010, the Excellence in Leadership Award recognizes outstanding leaders within the paper industry.  The award honors unique and creative leadership of employees, company, and key suppliers through major projects or ongoing relationships.
"Don was nominated for this award as he has achieved a reputation within the supplier community as providing great guidance and leadership when working with the suppliers," said ASPI President Mike Gray, area SVP, Sales and Paper Business N.A. for Valmet. 
ASPI member Jennifer Powell notes that "Don is also known for regularly seeking supplier expertise on projects, and applying their recommendations to his own team’s practices. That each mile that Don is willing to go, striving to think outside of the box and always setting a professional example—those are just a few of the qualities that make him an ideal recipient for this award," added ASPI member Jennifer Powell.

ASPI is an association of companies that supply products and services to the pulp, paper, and board industry. Member participation consists primarily of CEOs, owners, and senior management executives. ASPI’s mission is to assist its member supplier companies in providing increased economic benefits to their customers through collective knowledge, initiatives, and efforts. 

For more information, contact Grayson Lutz, director of member relations, 770-209-7215, or visit the ASPI website.