What an Industry!

When was the last time you joyfully looked at your job and enthused, "I get to do it all!"

Actually, there are quite a few professionals in the pulp, paper, packaging, tissue, and converting industries who feel exactly the same way, including Stephanie Petrina Boyce, Ph.D. A Professional  member of TAPPI (having just aged out of the Young Professionals group), Dr. Boyce didn’t have a career in paper top of mind when she pursued her doctorate in Materials Science at Penn State. Instead, she was focused on ion conductive polymers at the core of hydrogen fuel cells.

The transition to a full-fledged paper career came after graduation when she went to work for Georgia-Pacific. Dr. Boyce considers it one of the best decisions she’s ever made. "What I love about paper is that it is completely ubiquitous, but also totally unique," she said. Not to mention completely renewable, recyclable, and biodegradable

Find out more by reading this month’s Member Spotlight. Spotlight participants are recommended by fellow members and staff.  If you would like to nominate a member just send us their name (or names). We will forward a Spotlight Questionnaire to fill out and return.  

We look forward to seeing you in the Spotlight!
