Want to Help Promote Paper? Celebrate National Forest Products Week!

To Celebrate National Forest Products Week (this week), the Two Sides Team suggests that readers cut and paste its Tweets and Facebook posts below to remind everyone that paper is a key sustainable forest product.

Two Sides asks the following question: Wouldn’t it be great if everyone outside of our industry viewed paper and other forest products as sustainable? For example, no more "go green – go paperless" or "save a tree" claims, but rather a clear understanding of the great environmental, social, and economic benefits that well managed forests provide.

If your livelihood relies on paper products, or if you like print and paper, help us send the positive message about the sustainability of paper and other forest products (#CelebrateFP on Twitter).

Here are our top tweets (or Facebook posts) you can use to do this:


What’s highly renewable & recyclable, stores carbon, made mostly with green energy & critical for learning / literacy? PAPER! #CelebrateFP/

Paper supports long-term sustainable forest management and helps maintain land as forest..instead of shopping malls #CelebrateFP

Dear Corporate America, please stop saying "go paperless – save trees", it misleads consumers about the sustainability of paper #CelebrateFP

Sustainable, versatile #paperboard packages items you love and rely on #CelebrateFP @PaperBasedPkg

Pet food, groceries and more! Recyclable paper shipping sacks carry the day!  #CelebrateFP @renewablebag 

#FunFact: The US #ForestProducts industry is a top 10 manufacturer in 47 states #CelebrateFP

The US #forestproducts industry employs more people than the automotive, chemicals, and plastics industries #CelebrateFP

By weight, more paper is recovered for #recycling from municipal solid waste streams than glass, plastic, steel and aluminum combined #CelebrateFP

In the U.S., twice as much wood is being grown each year as is harvested #CelebrateFP
#Sustainable forestry practices keep our forests beautiful and plentiful #CelebrateFP


Paper makes life better http://bit.ly/1BxbLSg  #CelebrateFP
America at work: The US forest products industry employs nearly 900,000 people and is a top 10 manufacturer in 47 states #CelebrateFP
For more information about the U.S. Forest and Paper industry, its products, and National Forest Products Week events, visit afandpa.org/our-products and follow the discussion on Twitter with #CelebrateFP
