TAPPI’s Engineering Division Announces Second Forum

The Corrosion and Materials Engineering Committee just launched its own forum, to help mill engineers COMMUNICATE with their peers, SHARE knowledge, and SOLVE problems. The Forum will allow members to participate in live discussions, get advice from experts, and share best practices.  
If you are a TAPPI member, we invite you to participate in this forum and discuss common issues with other peers and experts. If you are a front line mill project engineer, maintenance engineer, or reliability engineer, connect with others experiencing similar materials issues and challenges, and who are also looking for solutions. Forum members can leverage the experience and knowledge of our community Subject Matter Experts, who have years of experience in areas such as materials selection, fabrication, inspection, root cause failure analysis, and the protection of all manner of fixed equipment against corrosion in pulp and paper mills.

For more information on the forum visit the TAPPI Community. Scroll down to "Group Forums" and select "Corrosion and Materials Engineering Committee".
