TAPPI Press: The Ultimate Roll and Web Defect Troubleshooting Guide

The Ultimate Roll and Web Defect Troubleshooting Guide is an updated and expanded version of Roll and Web Defect Terminology – 2nd Edition. The new edition of the guide has allowed updating and expanding on defects commonly found in paper and paperboard products and in the production and converting of nonwovens, films and laminations.
The Ultimate Roll and Web Defect Troubleshooting Guide includes a glossary of over 3,000 terms commonly used in the paper formation, polymer extrusion, coating and converting industries. This glossary is the most extensive list of terms that has ever been compiled for these industries. 

This is a "must -have" communication tool for suppliers and their customers to assist in the identification and elimination of roll and web defects. This industry resource was written and edited by 22 industry experts with more than 500 years of web-handling and winding experience, along with 16 contributing editors. The book is broken into ten chapters which include chapters on: 
Each of the 224 defects has concise information which provides:
The Roll and Web Defect Terminology book has received international recognition by web producing and converting industry experts as the most comprehensive reference guide available for troubleshooting roll and web defects. Quotes from industry experts that use this book include:
The Ultimate Roll and Web Defect Troubleshooting Guide can also be purchased as an e-book or bundle.
