Supported by Domtar, Tree Planters Strive for Guinness World Reforestation Record

Tree planters working on the Wabigoon Forest (Ontario, Canada) made a huge contribution at the end of May towards achieving a Guinness World Record for the most trees planted in one hour, simultaneously, in multiple locations by groups of 25 to 100.

"We appreciate the effort by the tree planters of Brinkman and Associates Reforestation, working with us to put forward a significant contribution to this Guinness World Record attempt," said Bonny Skene, regional public affairs manager at Domtar (Montreal, Que. Canada). "The future of our forests depends on the actions we take today--to ensure that the working forests in our region remain healthy and productive for generations to come."

The team of 25 tree planters safely planted just over 10,000 trees in 60 minutes.

The attempt involved teams from across North America and was coordinated by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative –SFI). Results of all participating groups will be combined and the total is awaiting verification by Guinness, initially due a week or two after completion of the attempt.