Cascades Reaffirms Commitment to Sound Water Management

This past weekend, on March 22, the 22nd edition of World Water Day was celebrated around the world. World Water Day, which has been observed since 1993, aims to promote awareness of the critical water issues facing today’s generation and to raise money for the 800 million people in third world countries who risk their lives by drinking and using dirty water.

Cascades, Kingsey Falls, Que., Canada, used the occasion to reiterate its objective to reduce water consumption. The company noted that it is committed to reducing its discharge of effluent to 10.6 cubic meters per metric ton of saleable product by 2015. This target has been set out in its 2013-2015 Sustainable Development Plan.

Cascades says that it has been investing in finding methods to reduce water consumption for a long time. In 2010, the company made a commitment to the continuous improvement of its wastewater management by setting corporate targets and making them public.

In 2013, Cascades’ effluent discharge was 12.5 cubic meters per metric ton, compared with the Canadian pulp and paper industry average of 61 cubic meters per metric ton (five times higher). Last year the company saved the equivalent of 37,156 Olympic-sized pools of water compared with the same tonnage manufactured with the Canadian industry average of water flow. Having set a new target of 10.6 cubic meters per metric ton for 2015, the company notes that it remains true to a guiding principle that has driven it since the beginning—"we can do better with less."

Water has always been a vital resource in the paper industry, for the treatment and processing of fibers as well as a multitude of related activities such as washing, cooling, and the production of steam for energy, Cascades emphasizes. Léon Marineau, VP of environment at Cascades, collaborates with all of the company’s plants, implementing projects with a view to reducing water consumption and helping Cascades reach its target by the end of 2015.

In the coming months, a number of Cascades’ plants plan to implement new projects, including a water tower, a filtration system for clarified water, and a flotator machine. "In all, these projects will result in estimated water savings of more than 1 million cubic meters per year. This is a significant step forward for us, and adds to our already positive results," Marineau points out.

In addition to its internal measures, Cascades is participating in the development of an international method (WULCA - Water Use in Life Cycle Analysis) that aims to incorporate water into the life cycle analysis.

"Cascades has long known that there are numerous advantages to limiting the use of natural resources. In addition to having a real impact on the environment, we also reap the benefits on a social level, since our employees are proud to work for a company that cares. Also, in terms of money, reducing our resources intake translates into financial savings," adds Mario Plourde, president and CEO.

Throughout the implementation of its Sustainable Development Plan, Cascades says it will be targeting projects such as these to maintain the sustainable management of this invaluable resource, also known as "blue gold." It hopes, too, that other companies will follow suit.