Metsä Tissue, Cooking Paper Business Opens New Converting Site in Russia

Metsä Tissue, Finland, part of Metsä Group, has established and this week inaugurated a new converting and warehousing site in Vorsino, Russia. The developing Russian market is strategically important to Metsä Tissue, the company noted. CEO Mika Joukio added that just in the Moscow and St. Petersburg area alone, "there are some 30 million people with a rapidly rising standard of living. It is estimated that the tissue market in Russia will grow significantly, even more than in Western Europe. This makes us believe strongly in a successful future in Russia."

The Vorsino site is located 90 km from Moscow to the southwest, with good connections to Moscow City, St. Petersburg, and other main cities. "From this location and with the site's efficient logistics, we can serve our customers quickly and with a wide range of high quality tissue products. We produce our top brands—Lambi, Mola, and Katrin—near our customers," said VP Yuriy Hudziy, Tissue, Russia. In addition to locally produced goods, Metsä Tissue imports and sells Katrin products and solutions, and SAGA baking and cooking papers in Russia.

Metsä Tissue launched its products on the Russian market in 2005. Metsä Tissue OOO, the company for Russian operations, was established in 2006, and the production started in 2008. In Vorsino, the company introduces the latest, highly modern converting line that doubles tissue production capacity and enables a larger product variety. Currently Metsä Tissue employs about 110 people in Russia.