Follow NCSU Students As They Visit China's Pulp and Paper Industry

Follow members of the NCSU TAPPI Student Chapter as they visit China's pulp and paper Industry. 
You can see a day-by-day account online. 
The North Caroline State University (NCSU) Paper International Experience (PIE) program allows engineering scholars to develop as well-rounded professionals ready to make significant contributions to industry, their community, and their world.

On this biennial trip for junior and senior paper science and engineering scholars, students are immersed for 10 days in a different culture. During the most recent trip to Brazil, students were able to see, up close, four modern and amazing pulp and paper manufacturing operations, including cloning technology for production of fast-growth eucalyptus trees. They toured the Federal University at Vicosa that has a paper program and was amazingly similar to N.C. State.

Dr. Med Byrd said that "participants become more aware of the global community, and experience things they never had before. They understand their own pulp and paper industry better, in the context of the global market. They are better thinkers...better learners....and (we think) better engineers for having done this."