In the Spotlight: Nick Triantafillopoulos - Paying it Forward

TAPPI member Nick Triantafillopoulos, Ph.D., says he believes strongly in one's "ethical obligation to give back through service," especially to an organization that has played a pivotal role in your career. That's why he has been an active member since 1981 when he was just beginning his pulp and paper career path and eager to make a difference in the industry he loves. "Membership has meant an opportunity to develop not only technical and leadership skills, but also a network of technical experts and friends." This tight-knit relationship with his profession and TAPPI is still going strong.

"Part of engaging in TAPPI is the opportunity to play a leadership role in volunteerism," he said. Besides teaching training courses, organizing symposia, progressing through committee chairs, writing a division newsletter, and editing articles for TAPPI Journal, Nick says helping to execute change in the volunteer programs taught him the inherent challenges and satisfaction of seeing a new, morphed organization created. Find out more by reading this month's Member Spotlight.

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We look forward to seeing you in the Spotlight!