Canadian Forest Industry Launches GreenestWorkforce Recruitment Campaign, Internship Contest

Yesterday (February 6) at PAPTAC PaperWeek in Montreal, Que., Canada's annual conference of the Canadian pulp and paper industry, David Lindsay, president and CEO of the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC), unveiled the GreenestWorkforce initiative, a first-of-its-kind government and industry sponsored national resource and recruitment program for the forest products industry. The GreenestWorkforce initiative is aimed at renewing the industry's workforce with at least 60,000 new recruits.

Lindsay also announced and detailed the GreenestWorkforce as well as the "Green Dream Internship" contest, where eight deserving students will win a four month paid summer internship at a leading forest product company, an iPad Mini, and a chance to win $5000.

For more information about the GreenestWorkforce initiative, contact Susan Murray, executive director of public relations at FPAC. Telephone: 613-563-1441 x313.