Sonoco Facilities Divert 95% of Landfill Waste

Sonoco, Hartsville, S.C., USA, this week announced that 19 of its Industrial Carriers (North America) facilities successfully diverted more than 95% of landfill waste in 2011. These 19 facilities bring the total number of Sonoco plants to 30. Four of the 19 plants have achieved landfill-free status by sending less than 1% to landfill, while the other 15 have reached 5% or less.

"One of our company-wide sustainability initiatives is to take 10% of our global manufacturing facilities landfill free by 2015," said Harris DeLoach Jr., chairman and CEO. "To see this level of buy-in by one of our divisions is very encouraging, and raises the bar for all company divisions."

James Harrell, VP, Industrial Carriers NA, added that "I am very proud of our group. To achieve this level of landfill diversion, the entire Industrial Carriers division had to coordinate its efforts across the U.S. and Canada. They've been tracking landfill tonnage for more than two years, working to decrease and divert wastes, and the time and work they've put into this is evident in the results."

Sonoco Recycling annually collects some 3 million tons of old corrugated containers, various grades of paper, metals, and plastics. Currently, Sonoco Recycling operates six material recovery facilities (MRFs) and serves nearly 150 communities in which curbside-collected residential and commercial materials are processed.