3M Expands Recycled Corrugate Tapes

3M, St. Paul, Minn., USA, reports that it is continuing to introduce tapes "that solve sticky business situations — in particular those posed by recycled corrugate materials." With the expansion of its portfolio of Scotch® Recycled Corrugate Tapes, 3M says it is arming companies with the tape necessary to tackle the wide range of corrugate in the marketplace in a cost effective manner. The expanded line offers options for tape weight, backing strength, and performance.

Designed specifically for use with recycled corrugated boxes (which are more difficult to seal because of shorter, flatter fibers and a less smooth surface area) 3M's family of Scotch Recycled Corrugated Tapes have up to 10 times the tack of conventional box sealing tapes. As a result, the versatile, super-sticky tape will stick to most packaging material in use today, the company notes.

According to 3M, the constant state of flux of packaging materials is due to the rapidly changing environmental standards, which force companies to continually seek new ways to reduce cost and improve their company's environmental footprint.

"Nearly all of the products being shipped today use corrugated board and with upwards of 85% of it being recovered, the majority of boxes contain some recycled content," said Brian Kenady, U.S. marketing manager. "With so much variation, it is important that companies are equipped with sealing tape that doesn't require multiple applications to keep the products secure. It makes sense not only from an environmental footprint perspective but also from the bottom line."

More information about the complete line of 3M Recycled Corrugate Tapes is available online.
