Pool Resources with TAPPI Summer Courses

If you manage anyone at your facility, you bear a significant role in maintaining a competitive edge in the industry. Workforce training is a big responsibility, especially facing an ever-changing workforce, emerging technologies and tighter budgets.

Your employees are the backbone of the business and only as viable as their abilities and knowledge. Keep their skills strong this summer.

Happening this month...

August has been a busy month for TAPPI training courses covering almost every facet of the industry for both beginner- and advanced-level employees - and there's more to come this month and during the remainder of the year. These courses provide some of the best instruction on pulping and papermaking processes available anywhere in the world, with curriculum developed by industry professionals having years of experience, credentials, and recognition. Presentations are never "canned" and are specific to the attendees' work.

Click here for a complete list of events in 2012

Remaining August events:

TAPPI courses are better on the budget!

TAPPI offers group discounts where your facility can save on course fees per person by registering three or more employees from the same location. 

Since 1915, the industry's leaders have turned to TAPPI to train and educate their facility's workforce.  Why?  Because TAPPI consistently delivers the most highly regarded resources for superior education and training for the pulp, paper, packaging, and converting industry.
