M-real Now Officially Metsä Board

M-real, Finland, has now changed its name to Metsä Board, following the decision at the company's annual meeting last month.

Metsä Board is part of the Metsä Group (earlier Metsäliitto Group) of Finland, and the parent company is Metsäliitto Cooperative. Metsäliitto is owned by 125,000 Finnish forest owners. The new name and identity give Metsä Group a common identity to strengthen its visibility in the market, the company notes.

"Over recent years we have worked hard to transform from a paper company to a profitable paperboard company," said Mikko Helander, CEO of Metsä Board. "Our structural transformation is at a stage where we want to communicate it with the new company name, Metsä Board."

Metsä Board is made up of two business areas—Paperboard and Paper and Pulp.
