Pulp Markets Continue to Weaken

August North American NBSK (northern bleached softwood kraft) list prices dropped $30/metric ton to $990/metric ton, according to Wilde. Hardwood grades also declined $20 - $30/metric ton, he adds, noting that spot prices are weak and well below reported list prices. U.S. NBSK spot prices are down ˜$5/metric ton to $760 - $800/metric ton. U.S. hardwood spot prices appear to be down even more: ˜$15/metric ton to $610 - $640/metric ton.

Weak Chinese demand has been a focus in recent months, according to Wilde. "However," he says, "there are signs that softwood prices in China may have bottomed. Ilim recently announced a $40/metric ton price hike on BSK (bleached softwood kraft) in China for September. Arauco has announced flat bleached pine and unbleached kraft pulp prices for September," Wilde says.
