Ilim Group Completes First Stage of RUR 310 Million Bark Incineration Project at Bratsk

Ilim Group, St Petersburg, Russia, reports that it currently is completing the second stage of the Rebuild of Facilities for Preparation, Storage, and Feeding Wood and Bark Waste for Incineration project launched last year. Total cost of the work under the project exceeds RUR 310 million.

The main purpose of the project is to increase the mill's power generation capacity through incineration of bark waste in bark boilers that will yield additional steam and electric power at the mill. This will facilitate the reduction of third-party energy consumption.

Bark waste supply was planned using a state-of-the-art conveyor system. Some 600 m of belt conveyor was started up during the first stage in late 2010. The conveyor was extended by another 540 m last month. The second stage of the project also includes installation of five belt conveyors feeding bark and sawdust to the bark boilers for incineration. This line will ultimately be connected to the conveyor installed at the first stage.

Project completion late this year will facilitate annual power savings of up to RUR 50 million to significantly reduce finished product cost.