Nanofiber Market Could Reach $4 Billion by 2020

With a productivity increase and enhancement of applications, the nanofiber market size will grow to about $4 billion by 2020, according to Kial Gramley of FibeRio Technology Corp.  Edinburg, Texas, USA.  Gramley, VP of Marketing and Business Development at FibeRio, introduced advancements in the Forcespinning nanofiber production at the recent 2011 Spring Materials Interest Group meeting of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

FibeRio debuted a mechanical method of nanofiber production called Forcespinning last year. The process is aimed at increasing productivity to enhance the scope of nanofiber application in a wide array of products. In a question on the productivity comparison with other existing methods of nanofiber production, Gramley said the centrifugal force method of FibeRio technology is at least one order magnitude higher in productivity.

Wellesley, MA-USA based BCC Research in June of last year estimated the current nanofiber market size to be about $140 million and is expected to reach $2.2 billion by 2020.