Hands on Pulp and Paper Basics Workshop Coming at NCSU

The TAPPI Hands-On Workshop for Pulp and Paper Basics takes place June 13-17 at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC, USA. It's an essential course that teaches the basic concepts in pulp and paper manufacturing. It's for anyone wanting to improve their role in operations.

CEUs Available

TAPPI will award 3.7 continuing education units (CEUs) to participants who attend the education sessions and complete a final program evaluation.

Attendees Will Learn How To
- Discuss the structure and chemistry of wood
- Analyze the chip preparation operation
- Describe chemical and mechanical pulping processes
- Describe pulp processing operations
- Describe the stages and operations of bleaching
- Discuss the importance of chemical recovery in a pulp mill
- Discuss waste treatment and environmental regulation
- Identify the major grades and properties of paper
- Discuss stock preparation and the approach system
- Explain the operation of the wet end and dry end of the paper machine
- Discuss basic converting operations
- Discuss the recycling of paper

Workshop Materials

Participants will receive a set of course notes and CD (about 400 pages) prepared by the instructors to supplement the presentations made during the course. Students also receive a course polo shirt.
"The information was detailed and easily understood by both engineers and non-engineers. I will definitely suggest the course to others!" - Previous Attendee.
