Kunshan APT Coldwater Building Green Factory in China

Kunshan APT Coldwater Technology Manufacturing and Coldwater Group, Atlanta, Ga., USA, reported this week that they will begin construction of a new Eco Friendly Green Factory in Kunshan China with a floor space of 4,000 sq. meters. The Green factory will be home to Kunshan APT Coldwater where Coldwater's suction roll seal strips are processed for most paper mills in the Chinese market.

In addition to the KAPTCO factory, the facility will have eight mini green factory spaces to lease out to companies that have a focus on providing sustainable solutions. The eco factory will use the latest environmentally friendly technologies such as solar heat for hot water, geothermal for heating and cooling of the building, sustainable building materials, green roofing, sky lights, and light tunnels for natural lighting, rain water collection and reuse, building orientation optimization, and reuse of recycled materials.
