TAPPI Offers Social Media Tools to Members on the Go

Staying in touch with business colleagues continues to evolve at dizzying speeds. To provide members of the TAPPI community with a way to communicate on the go, TAPPI has created a foundation of social media tools to help you.

You can keep in touch with TAPPI news and events electronically with the TAPPI LinkedIn page. It's open to all TAPPI members. All you need to do is sign in to your LinkedIn account and search for the TAPPI Member Group. Members have started a number of useful discussions on the page, and currently there are about 450 members in the group.. Why don't you join in? Visit www.LinkedIn.com and find out what all the buzz is about!

TAPPI has a Facebook group called "Peace, Love, and Paper." It's new so you can be among the first people to "like" the page or join the group and enter a post on the Peace, Love and Paper wall. Participants in this group are committed to revolutionizing the paper industry. Visit www.facebook.com. Search for Peace, Love, and Paper then click "join group". You'll then be part of the "in" crowd.

You can also get the latest TAPPI news via Twitter. Sign up to follow TAPPI's Twitter account at www.twitter.com/TAPPITWEETS.
