Exciting Changes for the IPST Student Chapter

On a recent visit to the IPST Student Chapter at Georgia Tech, TAPPI Staff members David Bell and Simona Marcellus had the opportunity to sit down and talk with several members of this growing chapter.  The students agreed that their greatest needs were more networking opportunities with industry and jobs when they graduate. They are enthusiastic about having industry professionals speak to their chapter members on these topics. The chapter officers are pictured here.

The chapter has been reinvigorated by IPST's new director and faculty advisor, Norman F. Marsolan, and they are focused on recruiting new members and finding new ways to actively participate in TAPPI.  They have also started to develop a new website and are exploring a presence through social media channels. 

TAPPI student chapters conduct fundraising events to cover their operational costs and travel expenses to TAPPI conferences and events.  If you are interested in helping the IPST student chapter, please contact their president Mikhail Levit or David Bell if you'd like more information on other TAPPI Student Chapters.
