SCA’s Green Care Transport Program Aims at 100% CO2-Neutral Distribution

SCA, Stockholm, Sweden, says it is determined to become the first retail supplier in the Netherlands to distribute all of its retail hygiene products in a 100% CO2--neutral way. To this end, a collaboration project named Green Care Transport has been started with a selected group of transporters.

"The primary aim of the collaboration is to reduce the CO2 emissions for all transport by using reduction targets, a program of action for transporters, and by investing in sustainable energy projects," says Riny Strik, regional director of business logistics for SCA’s hygiene operations in the Benelux, and the man who came up with the concept. "We would like to encourage more transporters, suppliers, and retailers to start using the Green Care Transport Program," adds Riny. "Now we have CO2 reduction targets and a program of action in place. As part of this program, existing CO2 registration processes will be used to track the activities planned."

Included in the program are processes such as the optimization of efficient motors, aerodynamics and driver training, all of which will result in lower fuel emissions and, therefore, lower CO2 emissions. SCA and its transporters will offset the remaining emissions by investing in sustainable energy projects—in collaboration with the Climate Neutral Group and in accordance with WWF’s Gold Standard , such as a windmill park in Turkey or Taiwan, which will make 100% CO2-neutral transport a reality. The new distribution process will have a positive effect on the environment and. additionally, transport costs will drop as a result of the optimization of truck loading and the limitation of unnecessary empty transports, SCA points out.