Forest Stakeholders Focus of New Online Community

A new online community seeks to bring together for the first time a variety of stakeholders concerned with the U.S. West's working forests, from timber communities and recreation enthusiasts to loggers and educators. One Voice for Working Forests includes a blog and pages on Facebook and LinkedIn, but primarily it is a gathering place for supporters of working forests to exchange ideas and discuss thoughts on forestry issues.

While many of the first supporters are from Washington and Oregon, the group has also attracted national forestry groups and supporters from California and Canada. One Voice seeks to unite those who recognize the many benefits that working forests provide, regardless of geography or any other affiliation. It includes a shared set of principles, including a belief in active management of working forests, a diversity of land management styles, and a robust market for wood products. The One Voice community supports the idea that working forests "provide materials for the way we live," including clean air and water, environmental mitigation to combat climate change, and jobs and financial resources for families and communities.