NEPPA Gives Legislative Primer

On Thursday, January 22, NEPPA hosted a half-day seminar on legislative basics that covered a wide spectrum of topics.  Leading the discussion was Mike Kirkwood, General Manager of the Pascoag Utility District and the Chair of the Legislative Committee.  Joining him were Morgan Meguire lobbyists Elizabeth Kelsey and Lori Pickford .  

The morning started with a ground level discussion of who the decision makers are in Washington and what the most pressing issues are for the 114th Congress. Each topic was broken down into greater detail in order to make it more understandable and to ensure that they were in the correct order of priority. Visiting local Congressional incumbents and how to approach them was also demonstrated for those who might not have been to Washington, D.C., before.  After lunch, both Lori and Elizabeth updated participants on New England’s Energy Policy and a more in-depth discussion ensued.