Braintree Municipal Light Department Plans Events to Celebrate Public Power Week

Braintree Electric Light Department (BELD) will celebrate national Public Power Week this year with a tent at the Braintree Farmers Market on October 4 and a Senior Breakfast on October 7. This annual celebration is observed by more than 2,200 electric utilities that collectively provide electricity on a not-for-profit basis to 43 million Americans.

Join us at the Farmers Market between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday, October 4, on the Town Hall Mall. Visitors can visit with BELD staff, who will answer questions about our new solar energy project and BELD Broadband offerings. Kids can pick up a hardhat and explore the bucket truck — parents are encouraged to bring a camera. There will be free apple cider and a "Taste of the Farmers Market" drawing just for Braintree residents (look for the entry form in BELD’s Bright Ideas newsletter with September electric bills).  

Back by popular demand — and in partnership with the Department of Elder Affairs — BELD will host a Senior Breakfast there Tuesday, October 7. Come to 71 Cleveland Avenue for a delicious breakfast prepared by members of the Braintree Rotary Club. A BELD representative will provide an overview of what’s new at Braintree Electric, and there’ll be giveaways and drawings as well. Two sittings will be available (8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.) but seating is limited, so please call the Department of Elder Affairs at 781.848.1963 to make your reservation. 

During Public Power Week, BELD honors the democratic tradition of community decision-making and participation that led to BELD’s founding in 1892. "Our customers are an important part of what we do — not only as consumers, but as owners as well," said Municipal Light Board chairman Thomas Reynolds during a recent meeting with Vice Chair Anthony Agnitti and Secretary Jim Regan. "This is our opportunity to say ‘thank you’ for your continued support."

For more than 120 years BELD has been a nonprofit public power utility owned and operated by the citizens of Braintree. BELD Broadband offers affordable high-speed Internet, cable television and phone service to Braintree residents and businesses.