Happy New Year!

Like all of you, NEPPA has been busy making plans and setting goals for 2014. After two very active years of change, 2014 will be one of examining the changes and planning the long-term paths as a result of all those changes. But, it will also be a year to look forward to 2015, when we will celebrate our 50th anniversary. While 50 years is old hat to most of our members who have more than 100 years of service, it is a big anniversary for us. 

During the course of the year we will be seeking input from you on suggested 50th anniversary activities, NEPPA’s current fulfilment of its core activities, and what long-term services or activities we should be involved in. I urge you to respond to these requests for input. This is your organization and it should reflect your desires.

As a reminder, NEPPA’s current core activities are made up of: education, legislative/regulatory representation, communication, and mutual aid. All of our offerings and activities fall into one of these categories. If you are interested in assisting in any of these areas, I encourage you to contact the chair of the appropriate committee. Our current committees that are not appointed by leadership are:

Additionally, NEPPA leadership also participates on our Board, Audit & Finance and Executive committees.

These groups help set NEPPA’s directions, goals and objectives. Additionally, Mike Cloutier (Groveland Light) is attempting to re-establish NEPPA’s Linemen’s Rodeo and there may be volunteer opportunities available. 

Going forward in 2014, NEPPA has the following activities that we hope you will participate in:

Please mark your calendar for these essential NEPPA meetings.

We look forward to serving you in 2014, and please do not hesitate to contact the NEPPA staff with any suggestions or feedback you have.

We are wishing all a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!