WMGLD Collecting Bedding for Mission of Deeds

For the eighth consecutive year, the Wakefield Municipal Gas & Light Department (WMGLD) is collecting new bedding for people in need through a partnership with Mission of Deeds, a Reading-based nonprofit organization that provides furniture and housewares without charge to individuals and families in northeastern Massachusetts.

According to WMGLD Electric Superintendent and collection coordinator Dan Flynn, the WMGLD will be accepting donations of twin and full-size sheets, pillows, blankets and bedspreads, as well as cash donations.

"WMGLD customers and staff have always been extremely generous in making donations to Mission of Deeds," Flynn said. "And each year, the need for bedding and is even greater."

Since its inception in 1993, Mission of Deeds has provided furniture and related items to thousands of area households based on referrals from social workers and clergy. The WMGLD has partnered with Mission of Deeds since 2004 and has been an active supporter of the organization’s Buy-a-Bed program.