Safety Awareness: Winter Driving

Be aware that winter driving is hazardous enough without added distractions of:

- Texting

- Talking on the phone

- Driving too fast for conditions

- Following too close

- Not looking far enough down the road

If you are texting or talking on the phone while driving on ice, snow or in rain you are asking for trouble. Going too fast makes your reaction to an emergency slower; for example, if you are following too closely and the car you're following slams on the brakes. If this happens you will find out how much your insurance will cover. Getting the big picture by looking as far as you can down the road will give you time to make decisions in an emergency.

Wear you seatbelt, drive the speed limit (or slower for conditions) and by all means, don't drink and drive.

Carl Potter, CSP
Carl's educational safety books can be found at