Written Work Procedures to Benefit NEPPA Utilities

Bob Henriksen, NEPPA contract trainer since the mid-nineties, has recently taken on a project that will greatly benefit NEPPA member utilities. After a serious electrical accident occurred in a public power system in Massachusetts, investigation brought to light that most municipal utilities do not have written work procedure documents in place.

Henriksen got in touch with the Massachusetts Department of Labor and started communicating with Nancy Pearce who helped him draft a work procedure document for NEPPA members. The manual will outline how employees who work with electricity should do their jobs the safest possible way and can be customized to each utility. The end result will be that each utility will have something in writing when an accident occurs.

"It was a lot of work but I really enjoyed this project," said Henriksen. "And it’s nice to know that this document could prevent a future accident from occurring."

NEPPA will be mailing the manual to general managers in the near future.