Supporting Employees Mental Health During COVID-19

Monday, May 4 | 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM | via Zoom online platform.

In support of NAOSH Safety Week, we are presenting the second of a series of Webinars to help you develop and deliver excellence in health and safety.

This is a difficult time for both businesses and their employees so it’s helpful to take some time to focus on mental health and effectively supporting our employees.

We are fortunate to have two professionals with some unique experience to share:

“Employees Mental Health Reaction to COVID-19” by Dr. Katy Kamkar Ph.D.

Dr. Kamkar is a Clinical Psychologist in the Psychological Trauma Program/Work, Stress and Health Program/Mental Health Program at Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Dr. Kamkar will focus on normal reactions, emotions and thoughts during COVID-19. She will discuss individualized self-care strategies for healthy and proactive coping including self-comparison and supporting employees.

“Fit for Duty/ Mental Health Strategies During a Pandemic” by Julian Toy

Julian Toy is A Substance Abuse Professional and Human Services Counselor and he will join us again to present. Your company’s success during the health crisis of COVID-19 requires unique training and support for your employees. Julian will help you support your employees and your business. Julian’s article on his strategies for COVID 19 - Mental Health/Substance Abuse and the ICI Construction Industry is available through the LOC website.

There will be a Q & A after each presentation.

To join this FREE webinar, please register here. Click here to view the invitation.

Registration is open until noon of May 4th.