Call to Action, Part 2

In the last newsletter, we issued a call to action to all of our members and are pleased to report there's been significant response from you, but there is more that is needed.

The use of litigation exclusionary clauses is one of the greatest challenges we have faced in many years. While not uncommon in the past, it is now becoming a regular statement in contracts and is totally unacceptable.

The use of these clauses challenges the very fabric upon which our law system is based. Instead of being subject to the rule of law, we are now subject to the rule of men and women. This is not acceptable.

I want to urge each and every one of you to take the time to read these articles and follow up with the actions that we’re asking you to do. Details on the next steps are included in this article and I hope that you will step up and support us, as many of you have already.

We are not alone in this battle. We have reached out to many, many other associations across the province and I'm pleased to say that the majority of them are responding quickly, supporting our motions on how to deal with this abuse of power that seeks to remove our rights under the Constitution to fair access to the law.

The remainder of this article is in the Members Only Section of the OGCA website. Please click here to access it.