Gold Seal Exam Cancelled

This note is to advise you all that, after careful consideration, Gold Seal has decided to cancel the April 17, 2020 exam.

In addition to ongoing technical issues with the portal, a subset of exam writers were served old questions during the Jan. 24 exam due to a deeply-rooted design flaw that was unknown until now. We want to be able to provide everyone involved an exceptional application and exam experience. Therefore, the most prudent thing to do is to cancel April’s exam, with a goal to have a better system in place by the fall. Work is already underway to:

1.  Modernize and streamline the occupational profiles and exams

2.  Better understand the overall Gold Seal user experience for all stakeholder groups to conceive an intuitive platform to support information seeking, application and exam related needs.

We will keep you all posted on how this project progresses. If you were planning to write the April 17 exam and have not heard from CCA, please contact Chanel Roberts, Manager, Education and Gold Seal Certification Program.