League of Champions at Pomerleau-Calgary Health and Safety Day 2019!

League of Champions member Pomerleau Inc. held their Health and Safety Quality Day in Calgary on February 5-6, 2019.

Rob Ellis, from MySafeWork, partnered with Pomerleau executives from Alberta and Quebec as the start of a national tour for the League of Champions. The event was also joined by executives from Potash Canada-Nutriens USA - by invitation from MySafeWork.

The presentation by Rob was focused in building a strong safety team in Alberta by developing strong coaching and efficient communication skills. There was a high-level of engagement by Pomerleau Champions in both sessions.

Congratulations to Pomerleau – Calgary for their successful Health and Safety Day event! We are looking forward to presenting at your next event on Feb 19 and 20 with Pomerleau - Ottawa League of Champions.

For more information about the League or to apply to become a Champion, contact Marjorie Javier by phone at 905 671 3969 or email at marjorie@theloc.ca.