Government to Review Key Agencies

Structural changes are afoot that will transform the construction sector in Ontario over the next year. The Government announced plans to: commit to a multi-year framework for ongoing review of programs and services to ensure that they remain relevant, effective, and efficient. Metrolinx will be one of agencies that the government will be reviewing. The government is proposing amendments to the Metrolinx Act, 2006 that would modernize the outdated legislation to enhance the agency’s focus on regional transit delivery and service excellence.

The Government has also indicated that it will be forming a review panel to examine the WSIB governance and administration structure. The WSIB recently announced premium cuts across the board following the elimination of its unfunded liability. The organization has faced criticism over growing administrative costs compared with revenues. The WSIB review panel will also be looking at the rate framework proposal expected to come into effect by 2020.

The Public Private Partnership (PPP) will also be reviewed, The Minister of Infrastructure will be holding stakeholder consultations with industry leaders to find ways to improve the Public-Private Partnerships. Consultations are expected to take place over the next four months.