CCA Update on steel and aluminum tariffs

As you know, the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) has been actively working with the government to find a solution to the steel and aluminum tariffs. This week, Prime Minister Trudeau confirmed he once again pressed the matter of steel and aluminum tariffs with President Trump in France over the weekend and expressed a desire to conclude the ongoing dispute before the G20 in Argentina in late November. Canadian ambassador to the United States David McNaughton has also affirmed that outreach to the US Trade Representative to resume talks has been made and is expected to resume this week. While we are encouraged by this news, CCA continues to call upon the Canadian government to end the outsized impact the ongoing dispute is having on our industry.

While we continue to dialogue with senior government officials on the matter and plan to speak directly to it during the November 27 Hill Day, CCA wishes in the interim to share the following processes, programs and packages aimed at relieving steel and aluminum producers and manufacturers.

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