Big Wins for Health & Safety

The League of Champions (LOC) has participated in three amazing school events so far this November.

First, we kicked off the month with Industry Association Partner, George Brown College. With 15 industry leaders and over 200 students, faculty and volunteers, it was an amazing time. There are already plans to hold second session during the winter semester.

“Thanks to the [LOC] for another event at George Brown College! You are changing the safety culture in Canada through empowering young leaders in many industries!” said Krisztina Arany, Senior Development Officer, George Brown College Foundation.

The audience was predominantly comprised of students from the Construction Engineering and Honours Bachelor of Technology who weren’t afraid to be courageous and ask the tough questions. Some of the important discussion topics included mental stress and anxiety in the workplace, coaching, cannabis legislation, underground workers, bullying and discrimination. One student even boldly admitted to personal struggles with mental illness.

Our George Brown College visit was followed up with two high school sessions at Bendale Business and Technical Institute and Yorkdale Secondary School respectively. Both events began with an inspiring presentation from Rob Ellis, Founder and President of MySafeWork. He then turned things over to the students, letting them know that we value their questions, opinions and concerns.

We’re proud of what we have accomplished in a few short weeks. The LOC will continue to raise awareness, advocate for safety culture, and inform students of their right to oppose unsafe work as much as we can. A big thank you goes to our Champion volunteers and students for demonstrating that the future of Ontario’s construction industry is bright.