Safety Pass Testimonial

"In saying that this is fantastic for new employees, it is also proved that even our senior supervisors and office staff would benefit from taking Safety Pass. In less than two months, 100% of GEN-PRO’s employees completed Safety Pass."

The feedback from all that had taken the course was, “it was very long; however, it did provide a lot of information and knowledge of safety that either they didn’t know or had forgotten over the years.” I like the fact that you didn’t have to complete the course all at once. The 14 elements could be completed at your leisure. This program is also an excellent tool for updating health and safety awareness to employees that have been in construction for many years, and this makes Safety Pass important to our company. It provided gained Health and Safety knowledge to all of our staff. Furthermore, as a Safety Manager and someone that provides orientation to new employees, it relieves me to know that when employees are taking this course, I know that they’re gaining important health and safety information.

Even those with no safety training or construction experience will have some understanding as to what hazards may be present on a job, how to recognize these hazards and how to deal with them.

I am happy to say that Safety Pass is a terrific program and well worth the time spent completing the course.” Chad Mumby | Health and Safety Officer | GEN-PRO