New Chief Prevention Officer - Ron Kelusky

Prior to this appointment, Mr. Kelusky was President and CEO of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA). PSHSA is responsible for providing health and safety services and advice to over 10,000 firms and 1.67 million workers across Ontario's public, broader public, not for profit and private sectors in health and community care, education and culture, municipal and provincial government, public safety and emergency services, and First Nations communities.

Prior to joining PSHSA Mr. Kelusky had been with the Canadian Red Cross, as Director General and the National Executive Lead for Health Programs. During his tenure he was involved with the international response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and was the principle lead, involving the merger of two community health organizations resulting in the creation of a $200M operation responsible for delivering homecare services in all 14 health networks across Ontario.

Mr. Kelusky's leadership experience spans the public, private and Not-for-Profit sectors. Prior to joining the Canadian Red Cross, Ron was President of GestureTek Health, a health care technology startup focused on the development and introduction of leading edge virtual reality medical technology into global health markets. He is the holder of two registered patents no. 8577081 and 20120082353 for Mobile Video Based Therapy.

Mr. Kelusky has also served as Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of March of Dimes and for more than 28 years worked with the City of Toronto. In the last 5 years with the City of Toronto, he served as Chief and General Manager of Toronto Emergency Medical Services. He holds a Master of Business Administration, Diplomas in Health and Human Resources, is a Certified Municipal Manager (CMM III) and is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors and Canadian Society of Safety Engineers.