Brown Daniels Curls for Safety

On Thursday, October 26, 2017, Brown Daniels Associates Inc. hosted a fun company outing to the Royal Canadian Curling Club in celebration of safety.

With over 50 employees, the event focused on strategies needed to build a winning safety culture. Rob Ellis, President of MySafeWork, was there to advocate the importance of safety, challenging the employees to change the way they think and feel about safety.

To raise the bar, Brad Daniels, President of Brown Daniels Associates Inc., asked each of their employees to sign the Jersey of Courage to demonstrate their commitment to safety. Brad also gave thanks to Rob for sharing his personal story, which no family should ever have to face, the loss of his son. No company should ever have to suffer the loss of an employee either, which is why prevention is so important.

Congratulations to all Brown Daniels Associates champions for making safety their number one priority.