Hart-Well Electrical Celebrates Safety

On June 14, Hart-Well Electrical hosted a fun company outing to the Rogers Center to see a Blue Jays game in celebration of their achievements this past year related to safety.

With over 49 employees, the event focused on celebrating zero lost time injuries, the implementation of a re-vamped Health and Safety Program, nearing COR certification, and joining the League of Champions.

"We are very proud of the improvements we have made to our Health and Safety Program over the past few years and we are happy to get together to celebrate our success. And the Jays won!" said Mike Woolgar, Vice President of Hart-Well.

Hart-Well continues to advocate the importance of safety, and to raise the bar, they asked each of their employees to sign the Jersey of Courage to demonstrate their commitment to safety.

We are proud to have Hart-Well as Champions to the League.

The photo shows Brad Smith, third year apprentice, at the game.