4S Offers Exclusive Deals for OGCA Members

4S Consulting Services is the solution for all your health and safety needs. We provide consulting services, online safety management systems, subcontractor management systems, Ministry of Labour approved training and more.

This summer, take advantage of 4S’ exclusive discount for WAH and Supervisor Due Diligence training.

NOTE: Training is approved by the MOL. 4S trainers will bring all materials and equipment needed to train your team.


Supervisors play a critical role in their workplaces. This training will assist Supervisors to understand their responsibilities and steps they need to take to protect their workplaces.


Another course being offered is a half-day event focusing on having a well-functioning safety management system - it's an investment for your business. Having a robust health and safety management system saves lives, time and money.

This is a must for all those who are planning on or working towards accreditation like COR™, OHSAS 18001, CSA Z1000, etc. Click here to register.