Aboriginal Business Match

The Aboriginal Business Match (ABM) is a technology-facilitated trade show that connects Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal decision makers to create opportunities for business.

ABM is a hyper-productive incubator for business development, partnerships and joint initiatives. In Sault Ste. Marie, we expect 100 qualified decision makers representing communities and businesses, as well as select non-profit organizations and government agencies supporting business development, training and employment.

ABM delegates use to a technology-driven online tool to set up as many as 31 pre-qualified appointments that are 20 minutes in length. Over a 2.5-day period at the event, these appointments keep the conversation focused and efficient and help determine next steps if a business match has been made, or is possible.

ABM East will take place:

November 7 to 9, 2016

The Machine Shop

Ojibwe Territory, Sault Ste. Marie

Co-hosted by Garden River First Nation, Mississauga First Nation and the Sault Ste. Marie Economic Development Corporation

You can watch ABM 2015 Delegates share their feedback about ABM here.

Here are few quick links:

ABM 2015 Brochure (Link to the PDF document)

ABM Agenda

Registration Fees

Business Opportunities Currently Available for Discussion at ABM