Are You Safe?

One of the newer problems faced by both businesses and the public equally is something called Ramsomware. Ransomware is malicious software that installs itself and attempts to take control of all your documents/files and ransoms them to you for a price, usually paid through iTunes Gift cards, or Pre-Paid credit cards. Paying the ransom doesn’t guarantee restored access.

So what can be done? Having a detailed protection strategy, as well as a robust backup solution, is critical for protecting your information and restoring access to your information in case you are infected by Ransomware. However, prevention is ideal and user education is at the centre of that. Users need to be taught that if an email is not expected, such as one that says "invoice," it should not be opened. Strange emails from unfamiliar contacts should not be opened or links clicked on. Common emails that contain malicious software are ones that say "Invoice" or "shipping information." Other emails include ones from contacts that seem like they are personal. However, this software uses contact names and tries to make the email sound personal so that you will click on them. Best of rule of thumb is if an email seems strange, then don’t click on the link or open the attachment. If possible, contact the sender and confirm if they sent the email.

If your company doesn’t have a plan, or you are unsure of the plan, we encourage you to prioritize this need, as it can save your company time, information and money. If you do not have a person or department/company that supports your IT network, then we encourage you to reach out, have your business assessed and a plan implemented.

Written by Vishal Ramjuss of A Cubed IT Solutions Inc.