RSVP Now for NRMCA July DC Days

What’s better than one day on the Hill? Two days on the Hill! Next month, NRMCA Government Affairs Department will host two DC Days: Tuesday, July 11 and Wednesday, July 19. NRMCA’s DC Days is an opportunity for you to come to your nation’s capital to meet with your elected representatives and their staffs to discuss important issues impacting the ready mixed concrete industry. Choose the date that works best for your schedule and we will do the rest.

July’s DC Days will focus on building the membership of NRMCA’s two Congressional caucuses - the Ready Mixed Concrete Congressional Caucus and the Resilient Construction Congressional Caucus - both of which serve to advance the interests of the ready mix concrete industry. In addition, we will advocate for provisions of the National Flood Insurance Program reauthorization bill and continue to support the development of a $1 trillion infrastructure package.

If you are interested in attending, please e-mail Andrew Tyrrell at or Cara Gavagan at We look forward to seeing you in Washington, DC.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association