NRMCA Hosts First 2017 Government Affairs Webinar

Last week, NRMCA’s Government Affairs team hosted its first Webinar of 2017, discussing the outlook for the first year of the 115th Congress and President Trump’s term and how they could impact the ready mixed concrete industry. The Webinar looked at some of the biggest issues facing the ready mixed concrete industry, including the Supreme Court nominee, regulations and legislative proposals. Kerri Leininger, executive vice president of government and political affairs for NRMCA, set the stage by walking through the importance of knowing the timeline for legislative activity and recapping some of NRMCA’s past accomplishments. The Webinar then presented an overview of our current political landscape where Republicans control the House, Senate and Presidency and a Trump Administration is committed to rolling back regulations and voters who supported Trump demand a change in the way Washington does business.

On the subject of the Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch, the Webinar discussed the importance of having a Supreme Court Justice in the mold of Antonin Scalia. Justice Scalia, before his death last year, consistently opposed the regulatory overreach of the executive branch, writing opinions in cases that struck down Environmental Protection Agency regulations and resulting in a hold on President Obama’s Clean Power Plan.

Also joining the Webinar was former Congressman Geoff Davis (R-KY-4), a consultant to the ready mixed concrete industry, who shared his perspective on upcoming legislative items, including tax reform and an infrastructure package. He also discussed the dynamics in the Senate, where it seems likely that opposition to some of President Trump’s cabinet nominees may consume significant floor time limit capacity of the Senate to consider other legislative items, including regulation rollbacks, tax reform and infrastructure.

The Webinar also stressed the importance of grassroots advocacy and the CONCRETEPAC. NRMCA’s government affairs team consistently engages on Capitol Hill on behalf of NRMCA members, fighting regulations and harmful legislation, while advancing an agenda that supports the ready mixed concrete industry. The team’s success relies on NRMCA members being active in the Government Affairs program on all levels and engaging with their elected representatives.
If you would like a private viewing of the Webinar or want to get involved, contact Andrew Tyrrell at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association