Report Addresses Pavement Joint Deterioration

A report published by Purdue University in collaboration with the Joint Transportation Research Program is available: An Overview of Joint Deterioration in Concrete Pavement – Mechanisms, Solution Properties, and Sealers. The research was supported in part by Pooled Fund Study TPF-5(224) and industry groups. The research was conducted to address the increased observance of premature deterioration of joints in concrete pavement in regions with freezing weather. The research evaluates the increased degree of saturation of joints with the use of deicing salts and their influence on freeze-thaw damage. Pavement cores from several regions were evaluated in laboratory tests and the effect of sealers was evaluated to minimize distress to pavements. The research proposes a test to assess chloride solution ingress during temperature cycling to develop strategies to reduce joint deterioration.

Click here for the report.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association