34-Hour Restart Hours of Service Amendment Approved by Senate Appropriators

The Senate Appropriations Committee approved its Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill on June 5. The only debated amendment was from Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME); it targeted drivers' Hours of Service rules. Collins’ amendment suspends two 34-hour restart rule provisions while the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration – with input from the Office of Inspector General – conducts a comprehensive study to see if these changes are truly justified. The two requirements of the 34-hour restart that would be suspended are: that a driver takes two consecutive 1-5 a.m. periods off work and that 168 hours pass before a new workweek can be started.

In spite of vocal opposition from safety groups, the committee approved the amendment 21-9. Most of the opposition supported studying the provisions, but had misgivings about suspending the changes during the study. No time has been set yet for the full Senate to take up the bill.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Fox at efox@nrmca.org or 301-587-1400, ext. 1156.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association